EsilehtInternational conference

International conference


International conference “Adapting to Changes in Society: How to Improve Basic Skills” on how to bring people with lower skills and qualifications back to adult education took place on 27 May 2014 in Tallinn.


Based on various surveys and the best practice, experts from Estonia, Holland, Lithuania and Norway determined the most vulnerable groups regarding education, skills, and competitiveness in the labour market, as well as discussed the potential ways for improving their skills.

Terje Haidak and Aune Valk from Estonia presented an overview about Estonian adult education and international survey of adult skills PIAAC. Graciela Sbertoli from Norway, a country with a relatively high number of adults with lower level of education participating in adult learning, shared their practice of developing the basic skills of adults in cooperation with employers. Amnon Owed from Holland, a country with vast experience in recognition of prior learning (RPL), explained how the latter influences the process of returning to adult education among the people with lower skills. The experience and future plans of Lithuania in training adults was shared by Ričardas Totoraitis.

The conference summed up the results of the project for implementing the European AGENDA for Adult Learning, which aimed at improving the awareness about learning and the possibilities in the field within the target group of adults with lower skills.



Ričardas Totoraitis “Adult education in Lithuania”

Graciela Sbertoli “Functional basic skills for the 21st century”

Amnon Owed “Validation: the Dutch experience”




More information: Sirje Plaks (