AGENDA 2015-2017
Since March 2013, ETKA Andras, together with the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, was coordinating the project AGENDA – Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning.
In Estonia the proportion of parents of young children with lower levels of education is very high. In some of the counties 24–31% of the parents of young children (up to the age of 7) do not have basic or secondary education (“Prioritised target groups in lifelong learning in counties” (in Estonian “Täiskasvanuhariduse prioriteetsed sihtrühmad maakonniti”) – a survey conducted by the Ministry of Education and Research, Statistical Office, and PRAXIS Centre for Policy Studies of 2014).
Respective Estonian average figure is 16%. There are various reasons for interrupting studies, but the fact is that lower level of education prevents people from competing in the labour market and does not have positive effect on the children of the family. Main problems have lain in reaching the target group, providing them with information and bringing them back to learning.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to access the contact details of the direct target group as there is no access to the Population Register. Also, the educational and training institutions have no obligation to monitor further performance of the drop-outs. Therefore, educational institutions, local governments or any other organisation has no overview where the target grop lives and what it does. The only way to acquire information about the target gruop is to address the community. In rural areas nursery schools are fully integrated into community life, it is a suitable place for primary dissemination and establishing positive contacts. Parents, being interested in their children’s development, participate in events held by nursery schools (e.g. parents meetings) and with appropriate guidance they can pass the information on at community level. In close communities information may also be communicated to the parents whose children do not go to the nursery school.
Activities planned by the project support the willingness of direct targert group to participarte in lifelong learning and improve the cooperation between different stakeholders of adult education.
General goal of the project
Increasing the number of adult learners, improving their basic skills and creating equal opportunities for lifelong learning.
1. To promote participation of parents of young children with lower levels of education (without basic or secondary education and/or no specialised qualifications and lower skills) in formal and continuing education.
Parents with young children and lower levels of education are willing to return to education system.
2. To enhance the cooperation between various stakeholders of adult education at local, regional and national level.
3. To raise awareness of policy-makers and general public of the concept of adult learning and of the European Agenda of Adult Learning.
Direct target group
Parents of young children (up to the age of 7) with lower levels of education (without basic or secondary education and/or no specialised qualifications and lower skills).
The indirect target group
Different stakeholders of adult education; this includes all the stakeholders that support the return of direct target group back to lifelong learning: educational institutions, local governments and nursery schools as the sub-institutions of local governments, Rajaleidja regional branches of Foundation Innove(career counselling organisations), regional centres of Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, civil society organisations, local communities and other interested parties.
Expected impact
As a result of dissemination and training, the direct target group is motivated and aware of the possibilities of learning and of the availability of suitable support services.
General awareness about lifelong learning of the parents has improved, they can recognise weaker groups and offer support, from giving the necessary information and encouragement up to personal support.
Communities and local governments have greater awareness of the situation in lifelong learning, their are fully aware of their responsibility since nursery schools as subinstitutions of local governments are actively involved in the project.
Local governments that were involved in the training process of direct target group have contributed to problem-solving and eliminating obstacles, e.g. organising transportation, providing information about potential learners with the help of social workers, etc. that prevent return to learning.
The staff and adult education stakeholders participating in the international cooperation (included European Basic Skills Network)have gained useful experience for develpoing adult education.
- Development of the concept “Equal opportunities in lifelong learning for parents of young children” and dissemination of the concept via different information channels in cooperation with Estonian Association of Heads of Pre-School Education (Eesti Alushariduse Juhtide Ühendus) – 2015-2016.
- General dissemination among nursery schools in cooperation with Estonian Association of Heads of Pre-School Education – 2016.
- Dissemination of the stakeholders of adult education in the participating counties.
- Dissemination activities for parents of young children at nursery schools in respective counties – 2016-2017.
- Trainings for the direct target group – parents of young children, in at least 6 counties – 2017.
- Monitoring of the activities for direct target group, feedback and analysis – 2017.
- Establishing the project’s steering group and arranging its meetings – 2016-2017.
- Development of international cooperation with other countries in the respective field – 2016-2017.
- Conclusions of the project are drawn at the final seminar of the project – 2017.
- Ongoing update of the information regarding project activities on Andras’ website and through various networks, at national adult education events, web platform EPALE etc – 2015-2017.
The main results of the project
Sets of training activities “Second chance” have been held in 9 counties, 204 participated.
Willingness of the parents of young children with lower levels of education to return to education system has increased. The 44 people that have started their studies in formal education and the 44 in continuing training are remarkable results.
The feedback given by the participants considered the information about the opportunities for learning, labour market and the availability of support services as very important. They analysed their abilities, needs and wishes as well as the availability of support services and supporters with the help of career specialists. Study visits to upper secondary schools for adults and vocational education institution were considered especially useful.
The respective experience has been shared among various adult education networks.
Information seminars have been held at 15 nursery schools with 399 participants. Parents, members of boards of trustees and nursery schools’ staff consider it very important to have an overview of the educational situation of the parents of young children and appreciate the dissemination activities that help to recognise and support people to return to learning.
2 promotional videos were produced and disseminated, featuring two parents who found their way back to formal education.
Valdur’s story. Merike’s story.
The final seminar of European Agenda for Adult Learning – 31.10.2017