The final seminar of European Agenda for Adult Learning
The final seminar of European Agenda for Adult Learning took place on 31 October 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia.
Activities of the project had been targeted at increasing the willingness of parents of young children (up to the age of 7) with lower levels of education and outdated skills to return to formal education.
As an initiative led by NGOs, the parents of young children belonging to the target group (without basic or secondary education) were mapped and provided with training packages familiarising them with learning opportunities.
At the seminar we introduced the complicated ways of reaching them and shared the experience of the involved parties, including the especially valuable lesson of involving the different stakeholders at community level.
We are also discussed whether the concept “Equal opportunities in lifelong learning for parents of young children” that was developed at the early stages of the project was successfully disseminated by the means of seminars at nursery schools.
The possibilities of expanding the emerged network as well as enhancing the cooperation were also addressed.
The seminar is available in English via live streaming by EPALE.