VÕIT – equal opportunities for every wisher
From 1 May 2006 until 30 June 2008 Association of Estonian Adult Education Andras was coordinating the European Social Fund’s measure 1.1 project VÕIT – equal opportunities for every wisher.
Objectives of the project were:
- Creating learning possibilities for working adults with lower competitiveness
- Raising the qualification of adult educators and improving the system of professional qualification
- Expanding the cooperation network of lifelong learning, improving learner involvement and holding Adult Learners’ Week
There were nine partners involved in the project from different parts of Estonia:
1. Lääne-Viru College of Technology | www.lvrkk.ee |
2. Võrumaa Vocational Training Centre | www.vkhk.ee |
3. Foundation Tuuru | www.tuuru.ee |
4. Tartu Centre for Vocational Education | www.khk.tartu.ee |
5. Türi College of University of Tartu | www.ut.ee/TC/ |
6. Valgamaa Vocational Training Centre | www.valgamaa.kok.ee |
7. Rakvere College of Tallinn University |
www.tlu.ee/rakvere/ |
8. Viljandi Culture Academy of University of Tartu |
www.kultuur.edu.ee |
9. University of Tartu | www.ut.ee |
Total volume of the project was 10,179,665 EEK.