Домашняя страницаProjectsTransnational Piloting in Estonia 26.-27.09.

Transnational Piloting in Estonia 26.-27.09.

National Piloting in Estonia 06.12.2017

Curriculum Framework (CF) transnational piloting took place in Tallinn on September 26 to 27. In addition to project partners adult educators from each country participated in the piloting activity. Each country introduced its module and conducted some practical activities in relation to the module. Participants gave feedback to each module and made suggestions for improvement. The two days´transnational piloting activity fulfilled the goal so that project partners  can continue to develop their modules and prepare for the national piloting.

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National Piloting in Greece 12.12 .2017 — 18.01.2018

Curriculum Framework (CF) national piloting took place in Tallinn on December 6. The curriculum framework was introduced and the piloting of Estonian module «Adult educators’ personal and professional development» took place. 35 adult educators from non formal adult education institutions took part in the event.Participants gave feedback to  module and made suggestions for improvement.         


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National Piloting in Estonia 19.04.2018

In total 55 participants responded to the evaluation of Modules 1‐4. This represents 100% of
all our participants in the piloting session that took place on 12th and 13th of December 2017
for Module #1, 16th January 2018 for Module #2, 17th January 2018 for Module #3, and 18th
January for Module #4, in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
All participants stated that they found the names of the module appropriate. Six of them they
comment however that more emphasis is needed on prior knowledge. Research shows that
prior knowledge influences both conceptual growth and conceptual change in adult learners.
With conceptual growth, adult learners add to their existing knowledge, and with conceptual
change, adult learners correct misconceptions or errors in existing knowledge.
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