Домашняя страницаProjectsIntellectual Output 1. Mapping of the Practices in the Field of Adult Educators` Training

Intellectual Output 1. Mapping of the Practices in the Field of Adult Educators` Training

Intellectual Output 2. Curriculum Framework

Intellectual Output 1. Mapping of the Practices in the Field of Adult Educators` Training

Objective: an overview of the countries’ practices and the analysis of the target group’s learning needs based on the development trends of the societyA common questionnaire that the process of mapping is based on is devised. This allows to compare the countries’ practices and become aware of the respective experience, strengths and needs as well as provides guidelines for compilation of the curriculum framework. Based on mapping, an analysis is conducted prior to the development of the curriculum framework which outlines:1. practice and training models/ methodologies of each country;2. fields of adult educators’ training;3. strengths/ weaknesses of each country;4. competencies of adult educators;5. evaluation and quality models;6. needs of adult educators due to the new challenges;7. the specificity of non-formal sector of education and the target groups

Mapping of the Practices in the Field of Adult Educators` Training

Intellectual Output 3. Recommendations for Implementation of the CF