EsilehtPromoting adult learning and expanding the range of learning opportunities

Promoting adult learning and expanding the range of learning opportunities

In the period of 2015–2023 the Ministry of Education and Research is implementing a project “Promoting adult learning and expanding the range of learning opportunities” supported by European Social Fund.


1. Alignment of the content, volumes and organisation of the general and vocational formal education for adults to the needs of the learners and the society.

2. Development of the system of recognition of prior learning and work experience (VÕTA) in order to expand the opportunities of recognising knowledge and skills acquired in formal, informal and popular adult education.

3. Development of regional cooperation aiming at bringing adults with no secondary or special education back to formal education.

4. Promotion of lifelong learning.

5. Quality improvement in the field of adult further training.

6. Offering high-quality relevant further and re-training for adults in order to update their qualifications.

7. Development of the funding principles for adult training.

AEAE Andras as a partner-organisation is implementing the following activities:

1. Development of regional cooperation aiming at bringing adults with no secondary or special education back to formal education.

2. Promotion of lifelong learning.