EsilehtAdult Learners Week (ALW)

Adult Learners Week (ALW)

The Adult Learners Week (ALW) promoting lifelong learning has been organised by Andras in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Research since 1998. It has become an annual event taking place in the second week of October.


The week begins with the opening ceremony. In order to broaden the ALW basis in the republic, a different country has been chosen for the opening ceremony each year. A highlight of the opening event is the recognition of the Learner and Educator of the Year, and also the Education Friendly Organisation and Education Friendly Municipality of the Year.

The closing event of the week is Adult Education Forum devised primarily for the policy makers of lifelong learning.    

Respective events take place at this time: open days in educational institutions, family days, workshops etc.  Last year the workshops of painting on silk, felting, ceramics, sewing and flower arranging were especially popular.

As a result of continual development of ALW as an extensive promotional event of lifelong learning, an all-the-year-round, over-Estonian, operating lifelong learning network has been created. During the preparation of information campaign we run information seminars for the members of the network in all the counties; county coordinators and members of the national support group also receive special training.

We wish that adult learners´week and its message – that more and more adults should find their way back to learning – would not only remain the concern of officials, educators and organizers of the week, but would reach ordinary people remarkably more, especially those, who have been remote from learning for a long time.” 
Terje Haidak, Ministry of Education and Reserch, Head of Adult Education Department