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In April of 2015, Estonian Qualifications Authority (EQA) started with labour market monitoring and making forecasts, as well as implementing the OSKA system for coordinating the development of skills.

In cooperation with employers, schools and state agencies, the education and skills required of people by the labour market were defined. In the reports of sectorial surveys, changes in the volume, structure, organisation and content of further training and re-training are proposed.

Members of the OSKA sectorial expert groups assess:

  • future trends
  • Estonia’s strategic development objectives and their impact on the development of the sector
  • the number of people and the range of skills the sector requires
  • profile of the available training offer; whether and how it would need altering

Between 2015 and 2017, surveys regarding the needs for labour and skills in 11 sectors have been, or are being, completed, covering about 50% of the Estonian labour market. The plan is to include all the fields of economic activity in the surveys by 2021.