Домашняя страницаALWsBuilding Smart Websites for Smart Cities and Smart City Projects

Building Smart Websites for Smart Cities and Smart City Projects

Harju maakond, Tallinn

Eesti Ettevõtluskõrgkool Mainor, Tallinn

In this lecture we focus on the most important UX and UI rules when building a website for Smart Cities or Smart City Projects. We will then dive into an overview of «Visual Page Builders» with which you can build websites:

• Exploring the features: templates, marketing tools, advanced customization options

• Explaining the benefits: ease of use, no need to code, increased efficiency, cost, etc. Where possible we showcase the tools with live examples. We end this lecture with some inspiration:

• Concept of Scrollytelling (with live examples)

• Building websites with AI prompting (with live examples)

  • Bert Van den Broeck, Digital Project Manager, Docent, Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgia)