Taking to the Top – Adult Educators on the Journey (TTop) meetings
9.-10.02 Portugal, Lisbon
27.-28.04 Greece, Thessaloniki
25.-28.09 Estonia, Tallinn
25.-26.01 Sweden
03.-04.05 Switzerland
27.-28.09 United Kingdom
Kick-off meeting in Portugal
The kick-off meeting took place in Lisbon February 9 to 10, 2017. We were hosted by the Portugese partner, AidLearn. When getting to know each other it turned out that all the partners have long term experience in different fields of adult education which will definitely give additional value to project activities. Project implementation incl. financial issues and partners´roles were discussed at the meeting.
Guided by the Greek partner Georgios Zarifis, partners´ experience and practice in training adult educators was shared to prepare the curriculum framework.
We also spent a nice evening at Fado restoran.
To sum it up – it was a good beginning for our TTop!
2nd Partners’ Meeting in Greece
2nd Partners’ Meeting took place in Thessaloniki April 27 to 28, 2017. We were hosted by the Greece partner, Thessaloniki Aristotle University. Intellectual Output 1 „Mapping of the Practices in the Field of Adult Educators` Training“ was confirmed by the project partners. Guided by the Greek partner Georgios Zarifis, partners´ experience and practice in training adult educators was shared to prepare the curriculum framework ( CF). The structure, organisation and content of the CF were the discussion topics and as a result of this the partners agreed the 9 module CF line. Modules division was agreed and it means partners could start developing their module(s).
We also spent a nice evening at Tavern “Tombourlika”.
3d Partners’ Meeting in Estonia
TTop partners´ meeting took place in Tallinn September 25 and 28. Six modules (out of nine) of the Curriculum Framework (CF) were discussed and analysed. As the CF is not a final document yet, partners can contribute to it by making inputs. Between the meeting days the two days CF transnational piloting tooking place. as a result of piloting we got a lot of good ideas to develop the CF. The project activities` plan was discussed and next year project meeting dates were agreed. As hosts, we also introduced some of Estonia`s culture and history to the project partners.
4th Partners’ Meeting in Sweden
TTop partners´ meeting took place in Söderhamn January 25 and 26. Curriculum Framework (CF) piloting reports were discussed. As the CF is not a final document yet, partners can contribute to it by making inputs. The project dissemination` plan was discussed and IO 3 structure and content was approved.
5th Partners’ Meeting in Switzerland
TTop partners´ meeting took place in Lausanne May 3. Curriculum Framework (CF) final version were compiled. The project dissemination` plan and national mutliplier events was discussed and IO 3 structure and content was approved.
6th Partners’ Meeting in London
TTop partners´ meeting took place in London September 28. National multiplier events were discussed. The project dissemination` plans, project sustainability were discussed and IO3 was compiled.